2023 Community Choice Aggregation
Impact on Low-Income Communities.
IdeateLABs Announces New UCLA Study Results on Teledentistry and the Impacts on Latinos
LOS ANGELES, CA – Today IdeateLABs and the University of California Los Angeles Center for the Study of Latino Health and Culture announced the findings of their study on teledentistry and tele-orthodontics in the Latino community. The study finds that teledentistry options provide critical access and affordable oral care that is currently lacking for many in the Latino community.
IdeateLABs Announces Summary Findings of New UCLA Study of Teledentistry and the Impacts on Latinos
On Tuesday, IdeateLABs and the Center for the Study of Latino Health and Culture held a virtual briefing for news media and interested parties on teledentistry and its impact on the Latino community. The briefing featured Dr. David Hayes-Bautista, a distinguished Professor of Medicine and Director of the Center for the Study of Latino Health and Culture at UCLA.
Electric Vehicle Mobility Revolution: Proving Grounds
The Need to Address the Mobility Revolution. Globally, a mobility revolution is underway. Vehicles are on a path to becoming Automated, Connected, Electric, and Shared (ACES).
Failure to Diversify Californias Community Choice Aggregators Are Woefully Behind In Contracting With the States Diverse Small Businesses
“In 2020, California’s Community Choice Aggregators contracted with diverse firms for less than 0.1% of purchases, cutting women, minority, disabled veteran and LGBT-owned businesses out of $1.2 billion of economic opportunity when compared to investor-owned energy utilities”
Equity in Energy: Net Energy Metering & Low Income Solar
Net Energy Metering, or NEM, is a billing system that credits electricity customers for the excess electricity produced by their own generation system (e.g., rooftop solar panels) and sent to the electric grid.
2019 Assembly and Senate District Maps for California Lifeline Program: Enrollment and Eligibility
According to the data, an estimated 4.7 million individuals are eligible but not enrolled in the California Lifeline Program. Net Energy Metering, or NEM, is a billing system that credits electricity customers for the excess electricity produced by their own generation system (e.g., rooftop solar panels) and sent to the electric grid
IdeateLABs Announces New UCLA Study Results on Teledentistry and the Impacts on Latinos
New UCLA Study Finds Accessibility and Affordability Critical for Latinos
November 2020 Ballot
Vision 2020 Youth Policy Platform
This Youth Policy Platform lays out our vision for change that will create a more just world—policy change that we, the Brothers, Sons, Selves (BSS) Coalition believe is necessary to significantly improve outcomes for Boys/Bois and Men of Color (BMoC) by removing unjust barriers to their success. It serves as a living document that summarizes our vision for the future, how policies have impacted us and how our advocacy has positively impacted policy.
Pilot Program Update: Rapid Growth of Finders and the Need for Regulation to Keep Pace
Regulators, policymakers, consumer advocates, and lenders continue to struggle to find a balance between profit-driven lending practices, access to fairly priced loans and mission-driven policies.
2018 California Lifeline - TruConnect Map Release
TruConnect is a nationwide wireless service provider that is committed to making communication needs more flexible and affordable.
2018 Community Choice Aggregation
Impact on Low-Income Communities.
Youth Vote
California 16 and 17-year-olds have pre-registered to vote in the last two years, according to new data released by the Secretary of State.
Net Metering Reforms: Lessons Learned From Other States and Jurisdiction
Active regulatory proceedings as well as legislative efforts seeking to correct the issues that arise from net-metering policy are taking place in many jurisdictions. There is a clear trend to amend the historical net metering rule that provided a credit equal to the full retail rate for excess generation produced by rooftop solar customers.