
2017 State Population under 200% of Federal Poverty Level 2021 State Population under 200% of Federal Poverty Level Total Population under 200% Federal Poverty Level 2021 Number of customers under 200% of Federal Poverty Level
1,251,900 1,187,300 28.50% MISSING

Investor-Owned Electric Utility Number of Residential Customers Financial Assistance Programs
Pacific Power Due Date Extension; Payment Arrangements; Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provided through local agencies listed here: https://www.oregon.gov/ohcs/energy-weatherization/Pages/utility-bill-payment-assistance.aspx; Oregon Energy Assistance Program (OEAP); Weatherization Assistance Program 

Energy Efficiency Programs: Wattsmart Incentives: Rebates for home energy upgrades on Appliances, Water Heating, Smart Thermostat, New Homes, Heating and Cooling; Time of Use Plan, EV Charger Rebates https://www.oregon.gov/ohcs/energy-weatherization/Pages/utility-bill-payment-assistance.aspx
Portland General Electric Income-Qualified Bill Discount Program; Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP); Oregon Energy Assistance Program; Payment Extension; Payment Plan; Oregon Energy Fund https://portlandgeneral.com/income-qualified-bill-discount

Energy Efficiency Programs: Time of Day Savings, Peak Time Rebates, Smart Thermostat Rebates, Incentives for Energy Efficient Upgrades in the Home https://portlandgeneral.com/save-money/save-money-home/appliances-electronics
Idaho Power Payment Arrangements; Winter Protection Program; Project Share; Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) through local agencies https://www.idahopower.com/accounts-service/make-payment/help-paying-bill/oregon-assistance/

Energy Efficiency Programs: Free Energy Efficiency Upgrades for Low Income Customers; Incentives for Energy Efficient Upgrades in the Home; A/C Cool Credit; Shade Tree Project https://www.idahopower.com/energy-environment/ways-to-save/savings-for-your-home/income-qualified-customers/weatherization-programs/ https://www.idahopower.com/energy-environment/ways-to-save/savings-for-your-home/rebates-and-offers/

Renewable Standards Portfolio and Goals Low and Moderate-Income Clean Energy Programs Electric Market Status 2023 LIHEAP Funding Amount
Oregon's renewable portfolio standard requires retail electricity providers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with electricity to 100% below baseline emissions levels by 2040. https://www.c2es.org/document/renewable-and-alternate-energy-portfolio-standards/ Oregon has three low and moderate-income clean energy programs: Solar Innovation Grants, Solar Within Reach, and Oregon Community Solar Program. These programs all use Solar PV technology. The programs are available to organizations, homeowners, and renters and come in three different forms: grants, rebates and bill reduction or credit. https://www.cesa.org/resource-library/resource/directory-of-state-low-and-moderate-clean-energy-programs/ Deregulated for some commercial & industrial consumers $48,431,051